Detoxifying cleanser and metabolism booster.
Our 14- and 28-day detox helps your body cleanse and purify itself of toxins and waste; boosts your metabolism and energy levels, helps eliminate excess water and reduces stress all while tasting great. Zero Tea is made with only the highest quality organic green tea, spices and herbs. A better way to cleanse - Our blend does not contain the natural laxative Senna Leaf. Zerotea is a gentle detoxifier that supports positive bacteria in the gut, helping the body achieve an optimized and efficient metabolic process.
Reduce bloating - Zerotea helps your body's digestion.
Help relieve excessive bloating by nourishing the good bacteria in your gut so they can do their job properly. Anti-inflammatory ingredients - sluggish intestines are often caused by an overgrowth of bacteria or Candida albicans, which produce toxic metabolites that slow down processing in the colon. D-Limonene, a compound found in orange peel and one of the ingredients in Zerotea, has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help keep micro-organisms in the colon at healthy levels.